July 27, 2024

Farewell! 178,000 customers leave Nubank after Americana breach

2 min read
Farewell!  178,000 customers leave Nubank after Americana breach
Farewell!  178,000 customers leave Nubank after Americana breach

the There is no immediate reservation Just don’t get affected American financial crisis. After it was announced that Nubank’s fixed income clients had suffered losses, more than R$800 million was withdrawn from the fund. As a result, 178,400 shareholders stopped investing their money in FinTech.

Read more: All you need to know about online shopping at Americana.

The decision came after they came across a negative yield of 0.75% In just one day, due to the purchase of Americanas IOUs in Nubank’s investment portfolio. So, with the fund being sold as a safe “emergency reserve” option, many clients were horrified to see that they had lost their money so quickly.

However, even with the departure of more than 178,000 shareholders, the fund remains the largest fixed-income investment fund in Brazil, now with 1.1 million investors.

The number of recoveries exceeded the number of investments

In the latest data released by fintech, R$793.6 million has been redeemed for the fund, against new investments of only R$265.1 million between January 16 and 19. The fund’s equity fell from R$2.5 billion to just over R$2 billion in the same period, due to redemptions and losses caused by Americana.

According to Nu Asset Management, the Nubank fund manager, the There is no immediate reservation “In a position of financial solidity, with an appropriate proportion in highly liquid assets to absorb impacts such as the specific event that affected hundreds of mutual funds last week.”

In addition, the note issued by the company also indicates that the fund is already showing a recovery. Thus, positive values ​​\u200b\u200bhave already been recorded in the shares of January 23rd.

However, shortly after this note was issued, Nubank reported that the text contained a “biased panorama”, focusing only on one fund and ignoring the more complete studies available in the market, which indicated recoveries of R$7.5 billion in several investment funds. From a group of managers.

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