July 27, 2024

Former US Secretary of State believes the country should take up arms against China – News

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Former US Secretary of State believes the country should take up arms against China - News
Former US Secretary of State believes the country should take up arms against China - News

Heino Kling, the former defense secretary for East Asia in the Donald Trump administration, told Fox News on Thursday (28) that the United States should take up arms against the new Chinese hypersonic missiles.

“To strengthen the blockade, I hope the United States will make appropriate investments in defense,” Kling said, commenting on the US strategy used during the Cold War against the devastated Soviet Union.

Kling’s statement came just hours after Chinese spokesman Wang Wein announced that the United States had created an “imaginary enemy” by considering China a rival. Wang Wein also said that Military exercises with hypersonic missiles Regular operations of the country’s armed forces.

Last Wednesday (27) General Mark Milli confirmed that the Pentagon had identified the launch of a Chinese high-speed missile capable of invading the United States from Earth’s orbit.

“[Os mísseis hipersónicos] Not common. This is a growing technology. There is no army anywhere in the world that has tested hypersonic weapons, ”Kling explained.

Relationships between With US support for Taiwan, China and the United States have deteriorated in recent months And a series of scenes of military force made by the Chinese.

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