Directed by Ryan Murphy and starring Evan Peters, The True crime series Dahmer: American Cannibal (Netflix) has made the serial...
Max Emilian Verstyappen, 25, is a two-time world champion!The Dutchman won the Japanese Grand Prix and relied on a mistake...
The campaign of candidate Fernando Haddad (Labour) for the state government of São Paulo has hired a security...
picture: Flight Radar 24 A British woman who describes herself as passionate about helping the government raise money to use...
This is the first time in 20 years that a Russian citizen has gone into space in the United States....
A monthly survey conducted by the National Federation of Trade, Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) showed that for every hundred...
this saturday night WWE Another annual edition of . will be held Strict rulesstraight from Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia,...
Continue after advertisementIt is already known that a file dinosaurswho ruled the earth before humans, was decimated by a asteroid...
Golden State Warriors striker Draymond Green has made an agreement with coach Steve Kerr and board members, and will miss...
Currently, WhatsApp is one of the most used applications by Brazilians, with millions of users using the available tools every...