October 25, 2024

Rectal cancer surgery help

2 min read
Rectal cancer surgery help

I’m Paolo, I created this crowdfunding to pay for my mum Maria Isabel’s rectal cancer surgery. She is 69 years old, has started bleeding and diarrhea since October 2021 and has lost 15 kilos. In February 2022 he was diagnosed with rectal cancer. The colonoscopy (imaging examination) did not even pass through the rectum, because the tumor was obstructing the passage. The week before, in consultation with a public order oncologist, the doctor asked my mother if she had had check-ups with the anesthesiologist and cardiologist for the surgery, my mother said they hadn’t contacted her yet, the doctor said: “What do you mean”? Surgery can not wait, the rectum is blocked. The doctor said: You will consult the surgeon’s oncologist and he will tell you that the surgery is urgent, and when consulting with the oncologist he said that he cannot give urgency and that every cancerous case is urgent.. My mother told the doctor that she could not help but defecate, feel pain and suffer from bleeding. So on Friday, 13/05, I had an appointment, a private consultation with an oncologist, who specializes in rectal cancer surgery and was impressed that it was a rectal obstruction and said the surgery was very urgent. If the intestine ruptures, the stool goes into the abdominal cavity and you may die. We have already lost our father to stomach cancer, and now we are almost losing our mother and decided to resort to private surgery, because so far the public health system has not put a colostomy bag to prevent her from dying of feces in the abdominal cavity, they did not even prescribe any medicine for the pain while she is in bed and suffering from without any treatment. The cost of the surgery is R$50,000. But the doctor said that in case of unforeseen events such as: loosening the clamps that will secure the bowel to the anus, creating a new rectum, and if she needs more days in the hospital or redo the operation, we will need a money reserve, so, we are intent on Raise for 80,000 Omani riyals. Thank you all for helping save my mother. Surgery is urgent.

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