July 26, 2024

The delta is spreading ‘like wildfire’ as doctors examine whether it makes patients sick

3 min read

LOS ANGELES, Aug 2 (Reuters) – With the latest wave of COVID-19 infections hitting the world around the delta variant, pathologists are scrambling to find out if people – mainly those who have not been vaccinated – are getting sicker than ever before. .

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned that the delta, which was first identified in India and now dominates the world, is “more severe” than previous versions of the virus.

Research in Canada, Singapore and Scotland found that people affected by the Delta variant were more likely to be hospitalized than previous patients with the infection.

In interviews with Reuters, pathologists said all three papers suggest a higher risk from variance, but the study population is low and the findings have not yet been reviewed by external experts. Physicians treating patients affected by delta described the rapid onset of Covit-19 symptoms, and overall aggravated cases in many regions.

But experts say more work is needed to compare the results between a greater number of individuals in epidemiological studies, to find out if one variant causes a more serious disease than another.

“Increasing severity and demographic dependence is difficult,” said Lawrence Young, a virologist at the Warwick Medical School in the UK.

In addition, experts said the abnormal rate of delta spread may also contribute to the high number of severe cases coming to hospitals.

According to the CDC report, Delta Chicken Box is more contagious and more contagious than the common cold or flu.

Shane Grotti, a virologist at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in San Diego, said the clear indication that this variant could cause more serious disease came from a Scottish study that doubled Delta Hospital’s risk over the previous edition. read more

Most hospitals in the United States and deaths caused by the corona virus occur in unvaccinated people. But there is evidence that these scenarios are less effective for those with compromised immune systems, including the elderly.

Dr Gregory Poland, an epidemiologist at the Mayo Clinic, said vaccinated, otherwise healthy individuals would only experience asymptomatic or mild illness if they contracted Govt-19.

“But they can pass it on to family members and others. They are not very lucky,” Poland said. “We have to get vaccinated or wear a mask or we’re going to endure another uprising for the fourth time now, from which the worst variations will come.”

‘Full-on Flames’

The rate of serious illnesses, especially in areas where vaccination rates are low, makes it difficult for health workers to be at the forefront of the epidemic again.

Dr. Michael Barron, senior medical director of infection prevention and control at UCHealth, Colorado, said: “It’s like a wildfire, it’s not a smoking campfire. It’s full of flames now.

China’s research shows that the delta variant responds very quickly and produces 1,000 times more viruses in the body.

“It’s hard to tell if they’re still sick because of the delta variation or if they’re still sick somehow,” he said.

Other doctors report that patients with delta become ill more quickly, sometimes with more severe symptoms than those treated before the infection.

“We see more patients needing oxygen sooner,” said Dr. Benjamin Barlow, chief medical officer at 28-State Chain Emergency Care Centers.

At his clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, Barlow said about 20% of patients test positive for COVID-19, compared with 2-3% a few weeks ago. Patients are evaluated at that time for possible hospital admission and oxygen support.

David Montefiori, director of the laboratory for AIDS vaccine research and development at Duke University Medical Center, said the delta variant is highly contagious and leads to a rapid onset of the disease – especially for those who are not vaccinated.

“Obviously there is an intensity that comes from this variation that is a little more severe,” Montfeiory said on a webcast last week. “It’s not easy to send. It makes you sick.”

Report by Tina Beasley in Los Angeles, Josephine Mason in London and Julie Steinhuyson in Chicago; Editing by Michael Gershberg and Daniel Wallis

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Foundation Policies.

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