December 12, 2024

USA: A man burns his house as he tries to get rid of the snake nuisance

2 min read

It started as an attempt to get rid of it Annoying creatures A whole house caught fire.

The house was 900m in Maryland in the Northeastern United States Surrounded by flames When the homeowner tried to remove the snake infestation on Nov. 23, he said. CNN Pete Bringer, spokesman for the Montgomery County Fire Department.

Biringer said snakes are a constant problem for both the landlord and the previous tenant.

The man set fire to the coal storage area on the top floor of the house to prevent snakes from coming. But the material was very close to other combustible materials.

The fire, which started in the basement, quickly spread to every floor and burned throughout the house CNN, WJLA.

Says Bringer CNN The owner was home a few hours ago, but fortunately no one was at the start of the fire. A passerby saw smoke and called 911.

At around 10pm, 75 firefighters arrived at the scene and put out the fire.

“There are no hydrations in the area,” Bringer said. “It’s not a problem because we’m used to it, but we had to go in water tanks.”

It took firefighters a few hours to control the fire, which was not completely extinguished until the next morning.

The damage will cost $ 1 million (approximately R $ 5.6 million), Piringer said. According to public records, the house was recently purchased for $ 1.8 million (approximately R $ 10 million).

Fire House Maryland USA Snakes
What was left of the property the next morning / Pete Bringer / Montgomery County Firefighters

The fire department considered the incident an accident because there was no evidence or intent to start the fire.

Piringer recommends using other means to combat the infection.

“There are animal services that can come and make recommendations, or pest control or exterminator,” he said. “We recommend that you have experts in dealing with any pest control problem to help sustain the environment.”

The condition of the snakes is unknown, but since the house is in ruins, it is thought that they no longer live there.

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