July 27, 2024

Voting is underway on the CPAC Dallas 2024 GOP presidential candidate straw ballot

3 min read

Dallas – with Former President TrumpSunday address, results Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) The straw referendum was the most anticipated moment at this weekend meeting Texas.

Voting is already underway for the 3,200 people attending the Confederation in Dallas.

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CPAC Participants Answer Anonymously – Through the Online Application – A survey of 20 questions designed by the organizers. Topics in the secret ballot include critical critique of race theory, the abolition of culture, and border protection, which the organizers claim to convey the pulse of the conservative movement.

But without a doubt, the two questions in the survey are numbers seven and eight, which deal with the 2024 GOP presidential candidate. Question seven contains a list of candidates, including former President Trump. Question eight does not contain Trump’s name.

Trump continues to play the role of a kingmaker in the 2022 Republican primary, making him very popular with many on the GOP platform and seeking to return to the White House ahead of the 2024 presidential election.


As expected, Trump easily won the straw vote at the CPAC in Orlando, Florida in late February, with 55% support in the presumably 2024 Republican primary race. Florida Government Ron Desantis, In second place with 21% support was the only Republican to reach double digits.

Desantis, the first-time governor and Trump ally, became popular among conservatives across the country for locking up amid the Corona virus epidemic and opposing COVID restrictions, easily topping the second straw poll that did not include Trump. With another strong Trump supporter, Desantis ended up with 43% support in the fictional nomination scene, South Dakota Government Christie’s Disease, Second place went 11%. Everyone named in the straw poll ended up in single digits.

Desantis did not attend the CBAC in Dallas, but Noem will speak at the Confederates on Sunday, two hours before Trump’s address.

The results of the straw referendum will be released on Sunday afternoon, half an hour before the former president speaks.

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Listed in seven questions are Republican White House believers – listed in the order they appear on the ballot – Dr. Ben Carson, the 2016 presidential candidate who served as Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Development under Trump; John Kasich, former Ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate, is the Sen. of Missouri. Josh Howley, Noyem, Government of Maryland Larry Hogan, Sen. of Florida. , Former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Sen of Utah. Mitt Romney, 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate, Former Governor of South Carolina and United Nations Ambassador Nicky Haley, Sen. of Kentucky. Rand Paul, another 2016 presidential candidate, is the Sen. of Florida. Rick Scott, Desantis, Sen. of Texas. Ted Cruz, runner-up in the 2016 GOP Presidential Main War, Sen. of Arkansas. Tom Cotton and Fox News host Tucker Carls on.

Question eight is the only line of potential 2024 contenders – minus the former president – Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Sen. of South Carolina. Added to this list is Tim Scott.

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