July 27, 2024

Zelensky’s adviser rules out a ceasefire or ceding territory to Russia

1 min read
Zelensky's adviser rules out a ceasefire or ceding territory to Russia
Zelensky's adviser rules out a ceasefire or ceding territory to Russia

Ukrainian presidential advisor, Michael Podolak ruled out a ceasefire and the ceding of Ukrainian territory to Russia as part of any agreement to end the war between the two countries. The conflict began on February 24 and is now 89 days old.

In an interview with the agency Reuters The day before yesterday, Podolak admitted it The location Kyiv’s policy on the war became tougher, but said that making concessions would backfire on Ukraine. In the assessment of Volodymyr Zelensky’s advisor, Russia will respond more forcefully after any pause in the fighting.

“The war will not stop (after any concessions), but it will stop for a while,” he said.

“After a while, and with renewed intensity, the Russians will build up their weapons and manpower and will work to correct their mistakes, and they will happen a little, expelling many generals … and they will begin a new offensive, even bloodier and greater.” , he added Podolak.

Map of Russia invades Ukraine - 26.02.2022 - Arte UOL - Arte UOL
Photo: UOL Art

The Ukrainian advisor also described the West’s calls for an urgent cease-fire, including for Russian forces to remain in the lands they occupied in southern and eastern Ukraine, as “very strange.”

“The (Russian) forces must leave the country and after that it will be possible to resume the peace process,” he added.

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