July 26, 2024

Apple updates Mac Pro GPUs with new AMD Radeon options

2 min read

Is the apple Updating to Mac Pro With the new graphics card modules on Tuesday, the AMD Radeon Pro features the W6000 series based options. The company claims that the new Radeon Pro W6800X MPX module, Radeon Pro W6800X Duo MPX Module, and Radeon Pro W6900X MPX module will increase performance. Graphics-heavy tasks designed the Apple Pro. Continuing to support the Pro by bringing new GPU options to Apple’s custom Mac Pro Expansion Module (MPX) system is a good sign that the company is committed to its new, modular design.

AMD It first announced new graphics cards in June this year, With the promise that the W6800 will bring “79 percent faster performance than the previous generation”. Now, two months later, Apple claims that GPUs in their MPX formats can “get up to 84 percent faster performance when running Octane X” and “up to 23 percent faster when using Da Vinci Resol”.

A Mac Pro with two Radeon Pro W800X Duo MPX modules.
Picture: Apple

The GPU modules are in the price range for the listings in the Apple Store, which are shared below, and add an additional four Thunderbolt 3 ports and an HDMI 2.0 port regardless of each version:

  • Radeon Pro W6800X MPX Module: Provides 512GB / s memory bandwidth with an additional $ 2,400 “32GB GDDR6 memory …[and] Up to 16.0 teraflops of single precision or 32.0 teraflops of semi-precision computing.
  • Radeon Pro W6800X Dio MPX Module: $ 4,600 in addition to the two connected GPUs, each offering 512GB / s of memory bandwidth with 32GB of GDDR6 memory … [and] Up to 30.2 teraflops of single accuracy or 60.4 teraflops of semi-precision computing when two modules are installed together.
  • Radeon Pro W6900X MPX Module: An additional $ 5,600 ā€¯offers 512GB / V memory band with 32GB GDTR6 memory … [and] Up to 22.2 teraflops of single accuracy or 44.4 teraflops of semi-precision computing.

Apple claims that the new GPU modules will replace the previous AMD Radeon Pro Vega II MPX modules with configuration-to-order options and separate tools on Apple’s website. As part of this new module release, Apple is gradually phasing out the AMD Radeon Pro Vega II Dio MPX module and the AMD Radeon Pro Vega II MPX module, but will offer both existing devices on separate devices.

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