The newly discovered green comet will be visible to the naked eye for the first time in 50,000 years on...
Andrea Houle
AURE3: The deal (finally) agreed with the union is positive and boosts expectations of huge earnings
Oren (AURE3Announced the day before the judicial ratification of the agreement signed with the Federation, Cesp and the Federal Government...
Everyone has a favorite chocolate textureThe perfect recipe, fragrance, color and flavour. There are those who prefer the more expensive...
Residential sales prices increased by 6.16% in 2022, according to the FipeZap+ Index. It is the highest increase since 2014,...
Black generation He was diagnosed with bowel cancer. The singer herself used social networks to tell us what happened. “I...
new coup using a name central bank Victims sacrificed in Brazil, indicating funds available through the SVR system. Criminals have...
Albert Einstein Municipal Astronomical Park E=mc2 is open in Morro Cechinel, open daily from 3pm-9pm. Planetarium sessions are held from...
Image: reproductionBrazilians have an easy and simple line of credit, offering up to R$4,500 to entrepreneurs with online loans. Learn...
São Paulo - With variations over the course of a year and a low period close to the election, the...
Hapvida's performance is separate from events in Brazil and globally and more connected to the banks' vision (Photo: Facebook/Hapvida)shares havida...