July 27, 2024

Erdogan ordered the expulsion of US ambassadors and 9 other countries

1 min read
Gold closes high, cautiously following data from China and the US
Gold closes high, cautiously following data from China and the US

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday ordered the expulsion of 10 ambassadors.
“I have instructed our Foreign Minister to declare these 10 ambassadors as non-individuals [plural de ‘persona non grata’] As soon as possible, “Erdogan declared. This is often the first step in expelling a diplomat.
The signatories to the letter were ambassadors from Germany, Canada, Denmark, the United States, France, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Sweden.
“They [os embaixadores] Must know and understand Turkey.
They should leave here on a day when they do not know Turkey, ”the president said.
Kavala has been in prison since October 2017, despite Western appeals and the European Court of Human Rights ruling for his release.
The philanthropist was initially arrested for his involvement in the 2013 protests, but was released in February last year. Soon, however, he was the target of new charges, this time related to the 2016 conspiracy attempt.
The uprising of that year justified Erdogan in accelerating repression of the enemy and launching a purge of the civil service and armed forces.
The president’s announcement comes exactly a week before the G20 summit in Rome, when he will meet with some of the leaders who signed the petition for the guard. .

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