Em decisão unânime de segunda instância, o Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e dos Territórios (TJDFT) manteve a determinação...
https://br.sputniknews.com/20220124/rastros-de-queda-de-rochas-em-marte-sao-evidencia-de-atividade-sismica-afirmam-cientistas-21147079.htmlScientists say rock tracks on Mars are evidence of seismic activityScientists say rock tracks on Mars are evidence of seismic...
+ Last week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sparked controversy by making a statement comparing COVID-19 to me pain common....
Although it concentrates 5.44% of Brazil's population, over the past week Paraná has been responsible for 7.49% of the new...
The installation of the structures will provide a comfortable environment in the middle of natureTourists who visit Vila Velha State...
A group of researchers extracted data from the Kepler space telescope, and found a candidate for an exomoon, that is,...
Não resta dúvida. Sigmund Freud, o neurologista austriaco fundador da psicanálise, que criou uma abordagem inteiramente nova para compreender a...
With the daily rush and demands of the labor market, tension, and Insomnia and anxiety It is increasingly present in...
two black holes that emerged in an interesting collision had eccentric orbits - that is, elliptical - according to a...
Posted on 01/21/2022 16:46 / Updated on 01/21/2022 16:47 HIV-positive patients are also vulnerable to false news about vaccines, although...