Despite the benefits of not emitting pollutants and being cheaper to supply, electric cars They are not yet affected by...
The longest lunar eclipse of this century will happen next week, but we are already preparing for the observations -...
The municipality of Palmital, 413 kilometers from the city of São Paulo, has decided to innovate in its vaccination campaign...
“Urban Permanent Conservation Areas” are guaranteed by law And protect public or private places covered with indigenous or non-native plants....
Professionals today (12) have advocated the need to include color or race in medical records, records, and SUS registration as...
Impact of global warming in São Luis (MA). Photo: Reproduction / Climate CentralAn increase in average temperatures, due to global...
The ultimate extension of studies! Ten days before the start of the National Secondary School Examination (Enem), a victory paperin...
The aurora borealis is a very fascinating phenomenon, providing a real spectacle of colorful lights in the sky. Viewed from...
At 36, Jenny Wheeler started having a severe cough in late 2020, and when the problem persisted into 2020, she...
The last MRNEWS.COM.BR test for our reader. These days numbers are widely used on social networks to make challenges that...