The to rule from this process Johnny Depp moves against Amber Heard He received new testimonials this Wednesday (20), with...
"It's ridiculous, but somehow it struck me differently today. This stuff is about prioritizing the people you love here, prioritizing...
The next day Novel chapters in 9And Jose Leoncio (Marcos Palmera) He despairs of the son's disappearance. The pawn father...
"I'm coming in as a very gay Pechisima Bolsonaro," said hairstylist Neandro Ferreira. A conspiracy that talks about fighting prejudice,...
Arthur Agyar question Eliezer Netto After businessman Eslovênia Marques described him as his greatest nostalgia BBB 22 And the angle...
We have the 6 best in the house and, As Eliezer himself said,Of course, they will not escape from discord...
Arthur Aguiar was the second most voted for the Quadruple Wall Eliminates Jessilane. The former Rebelde had 28.54% in the...
The atmosphere was intense afterwards Forming the wall featuring Eliezer, Gustavo and Paulo Andre In the "BBB 22 inches (TV...
News It is a fact or event in the interest of the press. It may be new or recent information....
It was Virginia Fonseca Banned for the second time from TikTok on Friday (15). Unaware that her account would be...